🟢 Hovering over a milestone will highlight its dependencies
🟢 Lines between milestones represent dependencies between two milestones
🟢 A milestone on the right cannot have a higher score/color than the dependency milestone on the left.
⚫️ Gray milestone scores do not count as a score, and are ignored in dependencies
Edit Title
Model Instructions
🟢 Main Graph Canvas: The milestones canvas can be zoomed in and out with the mouse scroll wheel. It can also be dragged inside the frame by grabbing the ouside of the graph at the edges (a circle will be displayed when you grab the canvas). Zooming out a little bit will revel more of the edge to grab.
🟢 Mouse over a node to see its dependency links.
🟢 Clicking a milestone will highlight and rotate through four possible milestone statuses.
🟢 You can select multiple miltestones by holding down the shift key and dragging across multiple nodes.
🔴 First click turns the milestone red [score: 0] - Missing or Ineffective.
🔴 Red Definition: not doing anything in a process area or just starting, activity in the process area is immature, not standardized, not fully implemented. showing signs of activity in a process area, coverage is less than 60% of application(for example, we are doing unit testing, but it only covers 50% of the entire app).
🟡 Second click turns the milestone yellow [score: 1] - Partially Complete or Partially Effective.
🟡 Yellow Definition: process is understood and implemented but not fully vetted or consistently performed. showing signs of activity in a process area, coverage is greater than 61% and less than 84% of application (for example, we are doing unit testing, but it only covers 75% of the entire app).
🟢 Third click turns the milestone green [score: 2] - Good Enough or Generally Effective.
⚫️ Forth click turns the milestone gray [score: NA] - Not Applicable or Available.
⚫️ Gray Definition: not applicable for this application. This should be used sparingly and only when aboslutely necessary.
🟢 Fifth click returns the milestone to a deselected state and resets the click rotation.
🟢 Milestones outlined in cyan are tangible milestones. This means that they have a real-world benefit that can be perceived and measured.
🟢 Milestones outlined in blue are security milestones. These were added to support the full DevSecOps model. The security milestones were collected from the OWASP and DSSOM Websites. The full matrix can be found on the OWASP and DSSOM labels on the milestone information pane.
🟢 Green, actively performing a process, process is vetted, standardized, understood. actively performing a process, process is vetted, standardized, understood, coverage is greater than 85% of application (for example, we are doing unit testing, and covers over 85% of the entire app).
📜 Usage: Click this button to display the usage information pane. Click the ❌ to collapse the usage information pane.
🏷️ Edit Title: Click this button to change the title in the upper right hand corner. This will be saved along with the model. Click the ✅ to save the change.
🌐 Get URL: Click this button to display the dynamic URL for this completed model. Copy this string to share with others. Click the ❌ to clear and hide the URL that was dynamically created.
💾 Download Model: Click this button to download a CSV file representation of the model. Be careful not to open this with Excel, or it will convert it to a binary format.
📊 Upload Model: Click this button to upload a previously saved CSV model. This will open a file dialog box to choose the file from your device. Make sure the file is in plaintext, and not a binary format like Excel.
💥 Clear Model: Click this button to clear the model.
🎯 Center Graph: Click this button to re-center the graph in case it gets off screen. Click 🔓 again to unlock.
🔒 Lock Graph: Click this button to lock the graph. This will lock the ability to scroll, and pan. Click the 🔓 to unlock the graph.
🟢 Bulk Update Options: These are convenience options to change all or some of the milestones to a specific color. See the select list for the available options.